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防止砍站行為的 Shell Script |
房東:小妹 發表時間:2007-02-12 |
不用多說,這個軟體就是要防止別人砍站軟體用的, http://www.ossacc.org/Members/song/Docs/about_block.http.sh 為何要擋勒 ?, 有些軟體在強力抓網頁時,或是沒有設定好參數, 在某個時間點內,大量發出連線命令,造成 server 為了要應付這個多連線, 勢必,瞬間的 cpu 使用量大增, memory 使用量大增, 耗光整個硬體資源, 在這段時間, server 反應時間拉長, 讓人誤以為 server 掛點了, 使得 server 無法正常運作, 所以要擋掉這些不規矩的使用者. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下是全文 #!/bin/bash # Purpose: to block httpd connection # Author: netman([email protected]) # Lisence: GPL # Date: 2004/05/28 # Version: 1.22 #-- change log --# # Version 0.90 # * Script created # Version 0.91 # 1) add test for size of list file # 2) add test for cpu loading # Version 0.92 # 1) separate cpu loading test into system and user # 2) add test for httpd connection number # Version 0.93 # 1) change to block frequently existed list # 2) add excepted list # Version 0.94 # 1) remove list-file size testing which was added in v0.91 # 2) change iptables' rule from DROP to limit # 3) create drop list for most limited connections # Version 0.95 # 1) remove IPT_LTD variable and hardcode the limit rule to 1/s # Version 0.96 # 1) change based dir to /root/BLOCK # 2) create PERM_LIST for permanent drop # Version 0.97 # 1) bug fix: clean PERM_LIST at every running # Version 0.98 # 1) change to update list upon new source found or time base # 2) bug fix: make PERM_IST clean properly # Version 0.99 # 1) add detection for running process of script # 2) add limit rule to OUTPUT # 3) remove SYN factor from permanent drop rule # Version 1.00 # 1) add detection for httpd daemon, restart while missing. # Version 1.01 # 1) change httpd daemon detection from netstat to ps # 2) add detection for DROP rules before permanet drop # Version 1.02 # 1) add removal of Semaphore Arrays of apache # 2) add -i interface elements in permanet drop rule # 3) bug fix: change --dport to --sport in OUTPUT limit # Version 1.03 # 1) change process detection from PID file to ps command # 2) bug fix: add path to iptables-save command # Version 1.04 # 1) bug fix: correct detection method of script process # Version 1.05 # 1) bug fix: correct time stamp assignment for list files # 2) bug fix: correct touch command in up_list function # Version 1.06 # 1) improve removal of Semaphore Arrays of apache # Version 1.07 # 1) add decection for TIME_WAIT peer # 2) improve exeception list determination # Version 1.08 # 1) BugFix: using lock file to determine running process. # Version 1.09 # 1) BugFix: keep permanent list from flushing out # Version 1.10 # 1) BugFix: fixed pid path. # Version 1.11 # 1) imporve pid dedection method. # Version 1.12 # 1) set up HTTP_SCRIPT & HTTP_CMD variables # 2) create PERM_LIST by using touch command # 3) remove touch command for HTTP_LIST_TMP # 4) remove all LIMIT rules, dump to DROP directly. # Version 1.13 # 1) put back the LIMIT rules # 2) BugFix: add DROM rules to each limit host. # 3) remvoe OUTPUT limit # Version 1.14 # 1) add program checking for certain packages. # 2) fix line order for first running. # Version 1.15 # 1) BugFix: get rid off the softquote(") from program check # 2) new define IPCS_CMD & HTTP_USER variable for ipcs detection # 3) improve performance by patching some text filtering pipe line # Version 1.16 # 1) replace cat by sort in ud_list function # 2) rewrite cr_list function # Version 1.17 # 1) BugFix: change --sport to --dport for limit rules # 2) improve performance by patching some text filtering pipe line # Version 1.18 # 1) BugFIx: add PATH for crontab running # Version 1.19 # 1) re-sort PERM_LIST # Version 1.20 # 1) BugFix: correct syntac in pipe line of ipcs detection # Version 1.21 # 1) BugFix: improve PID determination method # 2) BugFix: correct TIME_WAIT number teermination # Version 1.22 # 1) BugFix: correct PERM_LIST sorting method # 2) BugFix: correct cr_list function, which was having one ip only. PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin EXT_IF=eth0 # extenal interface HTTP_NU=8 # connection number to be added to list LIMIT_NU=2 # number to be limited DROP_NU=3 # number to be dropped PERM_NU=4 # number to be dropped permanently CL_S=8 # CPU loading for system CL_U=55 # CPU loading for user HC_N=200 # HTTP connection number for session HC_U=20 # HTTP connection number for source TW_N=20 # TIME_WAIT number for session HTTP_PORT=80 # HTTP port number UD_HTTP=30 # minutes to update http list UD_LIMIT=2 # hours to update limit list UD_DROP=1 # days to update drop list HTTP_SCRIPT=/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd HTTP_USER=apache HTTP_CMD=httpd IPCRM_CMD=ipcrm IPCS_CMD=ipcs SAR_CMD=sar NETSTAT_CMD=netstat MAIL_CMD=mail AWK_CMD=awk IPT_CMD=iptables IPT_SAVE_CMD=iptables-save BASED_DIR=/root/BLOCK PID_FILE=${BASED_DIR}/${0##*/}.pid HTTP_LIST=${BASED_DIR}/http.list HTTP_LIST_TMP=${HTTP_LIST}.tmp HTTP_TW_TMP=${HTTP_LIST}.tw LIMIT_LIST=${HTTP_LIST}.limit DROP_LIST=${HTTP_LIST}.drop PERM_LIST=${HTTP_LIST}.perm # NOTE: using '|' between each ip in a single line in the EXCP_LIST EXCP_LIST=${HTTP_LIST}.excp #-- check programs --# for pgr in $HTTP_CMD $IPCRM_CMD $SAR_CMD $NETSTAT_CMD $MAIL_CMD $AWK_CMD $IPT_CMD $IPT_SAVE_CMD do which $pgr &>/dev/null || { echo "${0##*/}: ERROR: $pgr not found or not in the PATH." exit 1 } done #-- create based dir --# if [ ! -d $BASED_DIR ]; then mkdir $BASED_DIR || { echo "${0##*/}: ERROR: can NOT create directory $BASED_DIR." exit 2 } fi #-- create file and set timestampt --# touch --date="$UD_HTTP minutes ago" $HTTP_LIST touch --date="$UD_LIMIT hours ago" $LIMIT_LIST touch --date="$UD_DROP days ago" $DROP_LIST touch $EXCP_LIST touch $PERM_LIST #-- detect process --# LPID=$(cat $PID_FILE 2>/dev/null) PID=$(ps aux | awk '($2 == '${LPID:=0}'){print $2}') if [ "$PID" ]; then echo "${0##*/}: WARNING: There is a running copy of script." echo " exiting..." exit 3 else echo "$$" > $PID_FILE fi #-- restart httpd if dead --# ps u -C $HTTP_CMD | grep -q -E -v '^USER|^root' || { $HTTP_SCRIPT stop sleep 2 for i in $($IPCS_CMD | sed '/semid/,/^---/!d' \ | awk '/^0x/ {print $2}'); do $IPCRM_CMD sem $i done $HTTP_SCRIPT start date | $MAIL_CMD -s "httpd restarted" root exit 3 } #-- create source list --# touch $HTTP_LIST_TMP touch $HTTP_TW_TMP $NETSTAT_CMD -na | grep ":$HTTP_PORT " | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort \ | grep -v '' > $HTTP_LIST_TMP $NETSTAT_CMD -na | grep ":$HTTP_PORT " | grep "TIME_WAIT" | awk '{print $5}' \ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | grep -v '' > $HTTP_TW_TMP #-- check loading --# cpuload=$($SAR_CMD -u 1 3 | tail -1 | awk '{printf("%i:%i",$3,$5)}') cpuusr=${cpuload%:*} cpusys=${cpuload#*:} http_cn=$(cat $HTTP_LIST_TMP | wc -l) http_un=$(uniq $HTTP_LIST_TMP | wc -l) http_tw=$(cat $HTTP_TW_TMP | wc -l) echo " limit current" echo "CL_U: $CL_U $cpuusr" echo "CL_S: $CL_S $cpusys" echo "HC_N: $HC_N ${http_cn##* }" echo "HC_U: $HC_U ${http_un##* }" echo "TW_N: $TW_N ${http_tw##* }" #-- function update lists --# ud_list () { for i in $@; do touch ${i}.1 ${i}.2 ${i}.3 ${i}.4 mv ${i}.4 ${i}.5 mv ${i}.3 ${i}.4 mv ${i}.2 ${i}.3 mv ${i}.1 ${i}.2 mv ${i} ${i}.1 sort ${i}.[1-5] > ${i}.new touch $i done } #-- list is added? or nothing change in the period? --# if [ -s $HTTP_LIST -o $HTTP_LIST.new -ot $HTTP_LIST ]; then #-- remove old limit rules --# for i in $(cat $LIMIT_LIST | grep -v ''); do echo remove $i from LIMIT $IPT_CMD -D INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT \ -s $i -m limit --limit 1/s -j ACCEPT $IPT_CMD -D INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT \ -s $i -j DROP done #-- update http list --# ud_list $HTTP_LIST fi if [ -s $LIMIT_LIST -o $LIMIT_LIST.new -ot $LIMIT_LIST ]; then #-- remove old drop rules --# for i in $(cat $DROP_LIST); do echo remove $i from DROP $IPT_CMD -D INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT \ -s $i -j DROP done #-- update limit list --# ud_list $LIMIT_LIST fi if [ -s $DROP_LIST -o $DROP_LIST.new -ot $DROP_LIST ]; then #-- update drop list --# ud_list $DROP_LIST #-- sort perm list --# sort -u $PERM_LIST > $HTTP_LIST_TMP cat $HTTP_LIST_TMP > $PERM_LIST fi #-- limiting http connection --# if [ "$cpusys" -gt "$CL_S" -o "$cpuusr" -gt "$CL_U" -o "$http_cn" -gt "$HC_N" \ -o "$http_un" -gt "$HC_U" -o "$http_tw" -gt "$TW_N" ] then #-- function: create list --# cr_list () { all_list="$(sort $1)" for i in $(echo "$all_list" | sort -u); do if [ $(echo "$all_list" | grep -c $i) -ge "$2" ] then echo $i >> $3 fi done } #-- collect high rate connection --# cr_list $HTTP_LIST_TMP $HTTP_NU $HTTP_LIST #-- create limit list --# if [ -s $HTTP_LIST ]; then cr_list $HTTP_LIST.new $LIMIT_NU $LIMIT_LIST #-- make exception --# if [ -s $EXCP_LIST ]; then grep -v -E -f $EXCP_LIST $LIMIT_LIST \ > $HTTP_LIST_TMP mv $HTTP_LIST_TMP $LIMIT_LIST fi fi #-- create drop list --# if [ -s $LIMIT_LIST ]; then cr_list ${LIMIT_LIST}.new $DROP_NU $DROP_LIST fi #-- create perm list --# if [ -s $DROP_LIST ]; then cr_list ${DROP_LIST}.new $PERM_NU $PERM_LIST fi #-- start limit --# for i in $(cat $LIMIT_LIST); do echo LIMIT $i $IPT_CMD -I INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT -s $i \ -j DROP $IPT_CMD -I INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT -s $i \ -m limit --limit 1/s -j ACCEPT done #-- start blocking --# for i in $(cat $DROP_LIST); do echo DROP $i $IPT_CMD -I INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT -s $i -j DROP done #-- start permanent blocking --# ipt_save="$($IPT_SAVE_CMD)" for i in $(cat $PERM_LIST); do echo "$ipt_save" | grep $i | grep $EXT_IF &>/dev/null || { host $i | $MAIL_CMD -s "drop $i" root echo permanently DROP $i $IPT_CMD -I INPUT -p TCP --dport $HTTP_PORT \ -s $i -i $EXT_IF -j DROP } done fi #-- clean PID file --# rm -f $PID_FILE exit 0 |
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